“Each one of us has a unique gift. In some, it is speech; in some silence.”
I came across this line yet again, when I was reading “Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul-II” yet again (that is because the last time I read it I was in ninth standard and I hardly remember a word I had read then). Beautiful lines, indeed.
The first rule of a happy life is to know and to realize that every element has a complementary element. Having known that, it becomes hell easier to see the good and positive in a lot of things. Not always maybe, but often. Someone asked me yesterday if I am the “silent-types”. And I was actually wondering what to tell if I was expected to answer in a ‘yes’ or ‘no’. Thankfully, he has an extremely patient ear and I was allowed to give a more elaborate answer.
Basically, I generally tend to form opinions about myself on the basis of what people tell me about myself. Not always maybe, but often. A little self analysis doesn’t hurt anyways!
>> Well, the people who are simply acquaintances for me come up to me a lot of times and tell me to talk a little more, often complaining I remain too silent.
>> Those who are close friends tell me a million times in a day that I go on and on and on.
>> My roomie tells me to shut up a lot of times in a day :P, and I appreciate her for that :P.
>> My closest friend ‘Aditi’ told me once that I listen patiently and say just the right thing, without overdoing or under-doing the talking (though she told me to forget this instantly so as to prevent me from getting on the ninth cloud :P).
>> At home, almost everyone gets fed up of my comic acts and ‘stupid blabber’ (in one of my close friend’s words :P).

I guess when you are entering a new arena, it is important to be a little gullible. But as your relationship grows, it becomes almost mandatory to inculcate the virtue of ‘silence’ in oneself. Isn’t that what we crave for the most- A patient, loving and understanding ear? And then there are other times, when you really need someone who can go on and on and on so you can just sit there listening. It is so beautiful to find how complementary values are an inevitable part and parcel of almost everything. :-?
I am not really sure if I am completely the silent-types, considering the number of hours I talk to mum on the phone :P, but I’d happily prefer calling myself the ‘silent-types’ :)
"ssshhhhh" :|
i only had to whisper a thank u :P
can i argue here itself :-/ nd for the other posts too? :D
sure sure! Arguing is allowed anywhere and everywhere :P
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