Sunday, November 16, 2008

Err :-/

Err.. well..just wanted to post something /). Has been a long timew. Not much time to post anything these days.. So mebbe that'll be it for now :(. It'll have to be it. *sigh*
damn damn damn busy

Thursday, October 2, 2008

The PINK issue /)

Yeah, I admit I am in an all-girls college now :P! To add to it, we have NO seniors to do the honours of ragging us (which has its pros and corns, to be precise). And of all the new experiences i have had in this new place, the one that has maximum effects on me is the funda of pink! Infact, the first few days, i was like damn damn crazy! All i saw around me was, is and will be pink! :O :O

Though it might sound a little over exaggerated, i must clarify that every single alphabet here is true,independent of my personal disliking for the colour. This might be a little difficult to believe, but once you step into a girls college, followed by your stay in a girls hostel (which might sound like an adventure for some of you out there :P ), you will surely agree with me... When you wake up in the mornings, the first things you see are pink bedsheets, pink curtains, pink pillows, pink cushions, and if you are all the more bestowed by the grace of the colour, you might even come across almirahs with pink papers on them, with stuff scribbled with pink pens on them! Moreover, it should not surprise you to find your roomie, in the divine colour, pink... Based on  your luck, you might spot several other stuff in the colour of the universe :P!
If you are not done with it, you can stand in the queue outside the washrooms, where you are sure to spot people with buckets of the colour , none other than pink! PInk towels, pink shirts, pink kurtis, pink shoes, pink slippers and the list goes on!
Now if this is giving you an impression that you can run away from the colour if you jump out of this place, i regret to inform you that we are not done yet :D! The rest of my day is supposed to be spent in the college (mainly coz i have still not been into the habit of bunking lectures :(( :P ). The first day, my only ray of hope was the bunch of day scholars (for reasons unknown /) ). My eyes looked forward to looking for a colourful world, without the colour pink, with which my eyes had been blinded for the last two days! All's in vain though... The college only bestowed upon me more hues of pink! Now, i m even tired of typing the word "pink", and regretfully, you are also bored of reading this pink post :P.

Basically, i am aware of the girls' love for pink, but the world should also be aware of my hatred for pink (note : my initial "disliking" for pink is now "hatred" ). Supposedly, the world is not aware though. Proof: the pink world around me continues to stay pink and gay (happy that is :P )! To add the finishing touches to this perfect pink world, my professor entered one fine morning into the class, with a blue jeans and a PINK shirt on! :O :O
p.s He is one of the few professors i USED to admire *sigh*

Anyways, I am into this pink world with my black armour on :D :P! But believe me, its not so-easy to survive in a pink world, where people in pink also have the capapbilities to perform extraordinarily well in every possible field! I do respect their love for the colour, but i am sorry, i cannot deny my hatred for it. Period.

Friday, June 27, 2008

~ TZP ~

It’s been around six months since i watched Taare Zameen Par... But the influence, the effect and the impression has been great enough to post this even now :D :D. The movie opens doors to the enriching, fantastical and fantastic world of Ishaan, whose world is not just confined to text books and exams. The kid, after being misunderstood by his own parents, goes on to pursue a journey to discover himself through the eyes of his art teacher. Aamir Khan, standing tall, like in his other movies, has put up a spectacular show with his extraordinary skills. The kid(very cute with those teeth of his :P :P that make him look more like a rabbit :P ) surely succeeds to make sure that his message reaches the audience of all ages and backgrounds :D . The music { my fav being “maa” , n then a difficult choice b/w “kholo kholo” and “bum bum bole” :P specially when they dance on “bum chik bum bum chik bum bum chik” :P /) =)) } is cool n sensitive at the same time :D. The superb dialogues, the extraordinary performances, the cool music and the complete idea behind the movie is just so perfect; it can make me watch the movie a million more times.

Howsoever, the best part of the movie is it’s very unique way of making the audience realize mistakes ; that all of us, sometime or the other, commit, not even caring how they effect the psychology of the kid , who we so badly want to lead a SUCCESSFUL life; forgetting how success is not synonymous with happiness and satisfaction! In today’s world of 98% cut-offs /), this movie explores the world beyond a-99-in-physics,-a-100-in-mathematics,-a-96-in-english-stuff and lets us think beyond, about a world that is NOT a dream world, but a world that exists within our hearts! A world that has humans, with love, hope, compassion, intellect and more than anything else, a passion for what they love! It inspires me to chase my dreams, live for what i like, and face the world around me , if that has to be it!

Love this movie! :D >:D<

YOU there?

Yesterday, when i called up a friend after almost a week, i was quite relieved to discover everyone still remembers me :P . Ummm, well, i have been all busy throughout the week, and i could not take out time to call up a friend or anything ( no excuses there :P ). All these days, i did not make out much how badly i have been missing all my close friends, until i actually talked to one yesterday, only to discover they still love me, care for me and are there for me :) .

What is strange about me is that i am not so-very-good at expression( i strongly believe this : ), but when it comes to my close friends, i’d like to do anything and everything to make them believe n realize what they really mean to me. It is all the more astounding to discover how a little gesture of care, a little action of kindness, a little word of concern can move hearts :O . What surprises me most is how badly we need to express our real self to people around us, just to let them know we are there for them. Sometimes, we lose touch with old friends, people who had been so significant in our life at one time, and are not even a part of it in the present-now :O. Was it a caring word you missed to say? Was it a friendly gesture you forgot to give? Was it a helping hand you did not care to lend? Or was it just a little expression of love you were too busy to let them have from you? Life is a journey, agreed. You go on meeting new people, agreed. You begin to get little time for the real old friends in your busy life when they are away, agreed. But if you take that extra little effort to stay connected, offer that extra little word to stay alive in hearts, pass on a little smile to keep your mates cheered up; won’t you find out sooner or later that it was so worth it? :-??

All this, i am not putting down for people to read; but this i am putting down for me to remember! I gotta remind my own self, what hugeeeeeee place these friends have got in my life; remind myself of the sweet , mast, tafree-full, cherished moments i have spent with them, remind myself of what contribution each one of them has in making me the real person i am today, remind myself of how much i miss them now that all of us are away and busy AND lastly, remind myself to remind them of what a special bond we share with each other :).

Love for friends is important, but expression of your love is equally important! So if you haven’t called up an old friend for weeks together (coz you were too busy to do anything but work) , get up, get going, call up, talk, plan a little get together, share a little word, exchange some moments of your life, and maybe, just maybe, you might be the second happiest person in this world :D (the first one being obviously ME, blessed with friends that i have been blessed with ;) ).

Don’t care if they haven’t remembered you for long, remind them to keep you close to their heart :D ;), coz they so much deserve to have you :D

All of us are so busy asking each other “ you there?” that sometimes we forget to ask our own self, if we are there for our loved ones !

Maybe it’s time to ask yourself, “YOU there?” ;)

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Painting Your life, YOUR way :D

While i was off to get some medicines, i saw this little girl on the road with the most brilliant smile stuck on her face, sweetest and cutest. It got me wondering :-? . What cud be so amusing for this little girl on the road who looked quite lonely to me, with no elder around.

It gets me every other person consider their life worth being converted into a bestseller novel, how each of us feel that it’s me who is playing the central character in their life. How every time, we are so engrossed with the way things are turning out for us, n how deeply each of us are entangled with the proceedings of our lives.

The other day, when i was with my cousin, who is ten years old, mausi got her this crown !! She looked like a perfect princess with the thing on her head. She was supposed to! :) :D ..

But isn’t this the deepest of our desires, to play a princess in the movie of our life? Life shows all colours. To some, it shows the lighter shades :D. To some, it shows the darker ones : . Though the fact that actually paints your life, is how YOU perceive the colours of your life! That differentiates the tough from the feeble, the strong from the meek, the burly from the meager, the expressive from the submissive!! It is so much completely in your hands, how you get things turned up for you, at least most of the times, if not all! One can smile in a calamity, or shed tears for a little lost pencil. I am not though making people believe that there problems are so little, so small!

But if one learns the art of facing it like a superman, mustering all the strength they have, making the best use of all the elements available; rather than acting like a Cinderella, depending on the fate to somehow work for you;it becomes a hell lot easier; :D

Not just for you, but for the other ten people who care for you, love you, and are concerned for you! There is so much to learn from the world around! There is so much to see! With a sportive heart, everything becomes so much easier :D, coz in the end, it’s you who has got the right to paint your life! Nobody else!

So much to learn from this mysterious smile of a stranger :O :D ;)

Keep smiling :D

Friday, June 20, 2008


Finally, i signed up for this blog of mine... which has long been on my "to do" list! :P
Mainly coz i have long craved to talk to myself more than to anyone else... I wish to pour down my thoughts into my writings... n speak my heart n mind out :D
I'll get going NOW! :D