Though it might sound a little over exaggerated, i must clarify that every single alphabet here is true,independent of my personal disliking for the colour. This might be a little difficult to believe, but once you step into a girls college, followed by your stay in a girls hostel (which might sound like an adventure for some of you out there :P ), you will surely agree with me... When you wake up in the mornings, the first things you see are pink bedsheets, pink curtains, pink pillows, pink cushions, and if you are all the more bestowed by the grace of the colour, you might even come across almirahs with pink papers on them, with stuff scribbled with pink pens on them! Moreover, it should not surprise you to find your roomie, in the divine colour, pink... Based on your luck, you might spot several other stuff in the colour of the universe :P!
If you are not done with it, you can stand in the queue outside the washrooms, where you are sure to spot people with buckets of the colour , none other than pink! PInk towels, pink shirts, pink kurtis, pink shoes, pink slippers and the list goes on!

Now if this is giving you an impression that you can run away from the colour if you jump out of this place, i regret to inform you that we are not done yet :D! The rest of my day is supposed to be spent in the college (mainly coz i have still not been into the habit of bunking lectures :(( :P ). The first day, my only ray of hope was the bunch of day scholars (for reasons unknown /) ). My eyes looked forward to looking for a colourful world, without the colour pink, with which my eyes had been blinded for the last two days! All's in vain though... The college only bestowed upon me more hues of pink! Now, i m even tired of typing the word "pink", and regretfully, you are also bored of reading this pink post :P.
Basically, i am aware of the girls' love for pink, but the world should also be aware of my hatred for pink (note : my initial "disliking" for pink is now "hatred" ). Supposedly, the world is not aware though. Proof: the pink world around me continues to stay pink and gay (happy that is :P )! To add the finishing touches to this perfect pink world, my professor entered one fine morning into the class, with a blue jeans and a PINK shirt on! :O :O
p.s He is one of the few professors i USED to admire *sigh*
Anyways, I am into this pink world with my black armour on :D :P! But believe me, its not so-easy to survive in a pink world, where people in pink also have the capapbilities to perform extraordinarily well in every possible field! I do respect their love for the colour, but i am sorry, i cannot deny my hatred for it. Period.
(note : my initial "disliking" for pink is now "hatred" )///
bwahahahhaahahaha :D
whoa.. prags i never knew u were so damn tortured.. lemme know if ya wanna break outa dat pink prison... imfatia...`
Yo march ahead soldier!!!
Wear black and blue :P
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