Sunday, January 16, 2011

21 & Clueless!

I am 21, and supposedly doing well. End-sem exams went off pretty fine. And if the "doing well" definition encompasses that then I am surely doing really well. Got a 15-days break lined up, that is supposed to be spent completely in the company of family and friends-my most valuable treasures.

But 21 ! Come on! Isn't that the time you should have things figured out?! As in where life is going right now, where it is supposed to be going and how is the transition going to occur- from where it is to where it should be..

Well, out of all these questions, I have answers to , well... let's see..umm.. err.. basically none. And that is reason enough to freak out on your birthday. When it suddenly dawns upon you- You are 21 ! Although the you-are-21 thing isn't that freaky, if not accompanied by the i-have-no-idea-whatsoever thing. Together, the combination is kind of a teeny-weeny disaster! :|

So? What's next? I should really start planning something. Let's see what I am clear about :-?

One thing is for sure. I want to do something huge! Be something huge. I don't want to do just-another-thing, be just-another-person. I guess that is what most people want :P
So figuring that out is not really a big deal :P, but it sure is one thing less to figure out :P

Next, I am sure how i picture myself 15 years down the line.
I should be a workaholic! Nothing less than that. I should be really really busy! Oh how jealous I am of all the busy people around me :P ! Probably, as I have been told, this is the kind of thing that spoils your life once you get to taste it :-/
Well, then let me say, I want to taste that sort of life :P

And yes, no matter what! Money is really really really important! You get the idea how important, right?! /)

Not really sure if it is possible to move ahead with this amount of insight, but that is all I have. And if that be it, let it be. I am surely gonna start working on something really worth it. Something that takes me to a place I really deserve to be. A place where my soul can breathe...

That clears out some stuff already, so now I am only left with deciding What-to-do-next. This post is kind of an improvement, no? Or am I back to square One? :-/
Did I even move to square two at any point ? :-/

Man! Hell, I am Clueless! :P